Glossary Terms

a (3) | b (8) | c (7) | d (1) | e (4) | i (2) | l (3) | o (1) | r (1) | s (4)

An early stage description of a business that includes such elements as its objectives, the value it will deliver and the resources needed for startup (see more formal definition below for additional detail). In we add to these more standard elements a set of business ecosystem planning considerations such as available community capitals and supply chain connections. A more formal definition is: "A decision-making tool used to determine the effects a particular decision will have on profitability. A business case should show how the decision will alter the flow of capital over a period of time, and how expenditures and returns will change." (Source:

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A site tool that guides a user through the development of a business case.

A network of connected businesses, suppliers, and associates in a specific field, located in the same geographic area. Clusters enhance competitiveness of each of the networked businesses by increasing efficiency and productivity. (source: Business Local food systems are one type of business cluster with a tremendous upside, given that growing demand already outstrips supply.

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A site tool for identifying and building businesses clusters, and the potential supply chain relationships in the business ecosystems within them, for any geographic region. The site focuses on business clusters connected with agriculture including food, energy and renewable materials, but the same approach and tools could work for any business cluster.

A collaborative network of producers, suppliers, distributors, processors, business supporters (financial institutions, NGO’s, educators that prepare the workforce, R&D, etc.) and customers that share a common set of value or supply chains. Collaboration can reduce risk and cost, and increase efficiency. (Source: modified from Sometimes referred to as an Entrepeneurial Ecosystem, particularly when the focus is on new business enterprises. (Source: modified from JumpStart 2011 Annual Report)

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An emerging concept as to a possible business or expansion of an existing business, but which has yet to be formally described in a business case format.

A more detailed planning tool than the business case, the business plan is a "Set of documents prepared by a firm's management to summarize its operational and financial objectives for the near future (usually one to three years) and to show how they will be achieved."
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See the Small Business Administration's Business Plan Template:

Those businesses, agencies, organizations, institutions, individuals that provide various forms of assistance to new and developing businesses and entrepreneurs. We have organized types of supporters into six categories: idea creators, resource providers, educators, storytellers,